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Table d"hôtes in Sologne

Table d'hôte

Type of food : , Régionale

In the central region of France, Sologne used to be a wetland. The swamps were cleared during the late medieval period, lakes were set up, oaks and beech trees were planted and it was eventually turned into hunting grounds for the kings.


Nowadays, in Sologne, mushrooms, game and fish became integral components of the local cuisine. Goat cheese proudly sits on every plate at the end of every meal. Large white asparagus swarm the market stands during the spring.


The Tatin sisters have left to Lamotte-Beuvron an internationnaly renown recipe that has now variants with every fruit imaginable and even some vegetables. Enjoy the local mushroom, eel or game recipes!

Let's give in to temptation

The Starters:

Terrine de canard (French duck forcemeat)
Omelette à l'oseille (Sorrel omelette)
Sanciaux (French pancake stuffed with apples)
Asperges à la crème (asparagus in a cream sauce)

The fish
Timbale de brochet (Pike timbale)
Brochet à la marinière (Pike poached in white wine)

The Meats

Le sanglier aux cèpes (Boar with boletus mushrooms)
Pintadeau aux girolles (Young guineafowl with girolle mushrooms)
Noisette de chevreuil sauce aigre-douce (Venisson fried in butter with sweet and sour sauce)

The vegetables and the garnish
les pommes de terre solognotes (Sologne-style potatoes)
Fricassée de girolles (Girolle mushroom fricassée)
Cepes à l'ail (Boletus mushroom with garlic)

The desserts

Creusiot Solognot (Fermented white cheese)
Gratin à la rhubarbe (Rhubarb crumble)
Tarte Tatin (Caramelized apple tart)

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